
Solar industry trends and prospects - the development of overseas solar energy industry

Solar industry trends and prospects - the development of overseas solar energy industry

Solar as a new energy, the environment, global warming, more and more attention in various countries. Recently Expo, schematic to build a theme pavilion "Sun City" and dreams, such as the China Pavilion is a landmark of Shanghai World Expo on the roof flashing. In addition to the roof, the park road sides and Expo Village, a variety of photovoltaic power generation device will be large-scale applications. This is not only interpreted the image of Shanghai World Expo Science and Technology, green ideas, but also a vivid reflection of China's response to climate change, efforts to improve the energy structure. Therefore, the study of domestic solar energy industry under state of development, the Development Trends of great practical significance.

1. the development of overseas solar energy industry

Japan, Germany and the United States is to promote the most powerful solar power system state. Data show that in 2010 the EU hopes to install 3GW of photovoltaic power generation device, about 2030 to 200GW. The United States is expected to total installed PV power in 2020 reached 36GW. Japan plans to install approximately 2010 5GW.

Implemented in 1994 in Japan, "Asahi seven-year plan" has installed nearly 70,000 solar roofs by 2010 to install one million solar roofs. Germany in 2000 by the Renewable Energy Law to purchase a fixed discount price to encourage renewable energy, and in April 2004 and further supplemented and amended Renewable Energy Act, 2004, making Germany a substantial increase in PV power system equipment, and one stroke over Japan the world's largest installation of photovoltaic power generation system area. According to data provided Solarbuzz, 2004, Germany installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation system 361MW, up 152%, accounted for 39% of the global total; Japan to 278MW of installed capacity accounted for 30% of the world. Germany and Japan accounted for a global installed capacity of 2 / 3. At present China's battery products are mainly exported to the two countries. Million in 1997, the United States announced plans roof plans by 2010 to install 1 million rooftop photovoltaic and solar thermal systems.

Over the past decade, with the significant increase in world demand for PV market, coupled with large-scale manufacturing technology continues to improve and promote the rapid development of the world photovoltaic industry, photovoltaic cell production from 1995 to 78.6MW, up to 2005 of 1727MW, average annual growth rate reached 32.4%. Can be expected in the next 15 years the world will keep its annual PV production capacity of more than 20% growth, and even more optimistic estimate, by 2010, global solar production will grow by 4 times, 3 times sales growth, profit growth of 3 times.

World PV cell manufacturing mainly in Japan, Germany, the United States, Spain and other developed countries, including Japan's 2005 production of photovoltaic cells to 833MW, the world PV market share accounts for almost half of mainland China into the world's photovoltaic manufacturing 10 big country, with 2005 production of photovoltaic cells 128MW, listed fourth in the world, accounting for 7.4% of world market share.

This year in May, for the Tunisian Ministry of Industry of renewable energy, Secretary of State announced at a news conference: In 2009-2014 the president on energy and environment program areas, the conflict developed Prosoles plan, expected by 2014 to at least 5000 housing installation of solar PV installations, the Government and the suddenly the power companies will offer a number of incentives to encourage residential use of photovoltaic power generation industry. The program, the National Energy Fund (FNME) for installation of photovoltaic devices will provide the residents of the cost of installing 30% of the cost of investment, company STEG sudden power inverter is provided free of charge, residents can also get a 5-year 3000 dinar loans, and through STEG electricity bills to pay every period. In the field of renewable energy, suddenly in recent years to implement the third phase of energy conservation programs have achieved good results in 2007, rational use of energy saving of 700 tons of oil equivalent, accounting for 8% of energy consumption. 2008-2011 IV of the project goal is to make rational utilization of energy increased to 20% of renewable energy to 13% of the national annual energy consumption. Tunisia shows the importance of solar industry.

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